Our North American chapters include our Washington D.C. chapter in the U.S. and our Mexico chapters. Between them, these chapters are home base to several of WiNN’s original 12 founding members, including, Leeanne Alonso, a biologist who has led over 45 scientific explorations in 25 countries; Jessica Deichman, Program Officer at the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation; Lisa Famolare, a Vice President of Conservation International’s Nature for Climate initiative; and Renée González, Director of the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (FMCN).

While many members of our North American chapters were founding members who lead well-known conservation organizations, WiNN’s primary goal remains creating safe and welcoming spaces were women working at all levels of conservation can create meaningful connections and support each other.  If you live in the Americas and are a student, a community member, or a current working conservation professional passionate about conservation who is interested in becoming part of our community, please reach out to an existing chapter near you — or start a chapter in your region!

It’s been a great place for women to share advice, seek technical support, and to ask for professional advice as well.
— Jesse Deichman, Research Ecologist, WiNN Founding Member