Women in Nature Network currently has three active chapters across Asia, in India, Nepal, and Vietnam. Members of these chapters include many passionate advocates for conservation and environmental justice ranging from university students to United Nations Development Programme’s Champions of the Earth.

While members of WiNN’s Asia chapters have garnered prestigious environmental awards, we welcome all women interested in efforts to conserve the unique wildlife and ecosystems that exist across this vast and diverse continent. Our Asia chapters are highly engaged and active in diverse activities. Our India chapter hosted our 2019 Annual Global Conference, passing the baton to our Nepal chapter in 2022, which hosted our first return to in-person conferences post-COVID-19. The Nepal chapter also guided four aspiring young conservationists who were part of our inaugural cohort of Mentees in 2023.

If you live in this region and are interested in becoming part of our community, please reach out to an existing chapter near you — or start a chapter in your region.

Banner Photo: A barefoot solar engineer in the solar powered village of Tinginapu, India. The Barefoot Solar Engineers are a powerful example of community development that creates clean energy and reduces carbon emissions while creating economic opportunities and agency for women. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith / Panos Pictures